Tuition and Fees

This Financial information provided in this section reflects the University of Los Angeles's education prices for academic year 2019-2020, effective July 1, 2019. U.L.A. reserves the right to assess new charges in relation to rising costs.

Did We Mention We're Affordable?
Our tuition is about 90% less than the average private college in the United States. We offer 0% interest-free tuition financing, which means you'll have no student loans and no debt. Find out more about our tuition financing programs.

All new students must pay tuition and fees in full at registration. Returning students who cannot pay tuition and fees in full at registration may apply for the Deferred Payment Plan in the Business Office. To qualify for the Deferred Payment Plan, the student’s account from the previous Semester must be paid in full. The student must pay at least 25 percent of the tuition and fees that are due in the current Semester. The balance, plus a five percent fee, is divided into three equal payments. Each of these payments is due on the 15th of the month (or the first business day thereafter) for the next three months.

$50 Application Fee

$100 Late Application Fee

Refund Policies
If you find it necessary to withdraw from the college you may be eligible for a refund of part of your tuition. (We do not give refunds of fees, nor do we give refunds for courses that you are auditing). In order to qualify for a refund, you must notify the Registrar's Office of your desire to withdraw. As part of the withdrawal procedure you must settle all accounts. If you do not follow the withdrawal procedure you will receive a grade for all courses and will forfeit your eligibility for any tuition refund. Students who are dismissed or suspended from the college are not eligible for any refund.

The student has a right to a full refund of all charges less the amount of $100 for registration, fees for any placement and diagnostic testing, and $50 for admissioon (if applicable) if he/she cancels this agreement prior to or on the first day of instruction. In addition, the student may withdraw from a course after the instruction has started and receive a pro rata refund for the unused portion of the tuition and other refundable charges if the student has completed 60% or less of the instruction.

The following method for calculating the pro rata refund is stipulated by the California Educational Code (CEC section 94820), which indicates that the hourly rate of instruction shall be calculated for the course based on total hours of instruction and tuition paid; this rate shall then be used to calculate the cost of instruction already received by the student for classes attended. The remaining amount (indicating classes not attended) shall be refunded, minus an allowable $100 registration fee. If the school cancels or discontinues a course or educational program, the school will make a full refund of all charges. Refunds will be paid within 30 days of cancellation or withdrawal.

The amount of refund will be based on the date on which the "Withdrawal Form" is completed and will be computed according to the following schedule:

Refund of Tuition

During the 1st week of class..........................95%

During the 2nd week of class........................ 90%

During the 3rd week of class......................... 85%

During the 4th week of class......................... 80%

During the 5th week of class......................... 75%

During the 6th week of class......................... 70%

During the 7th week of class......................... 65%

During the 8th week of class..........................60%

No refund will be issued after the 9th week.

Scholarships and Financial Aid
As part of your application packet you will receive a scholarship application (You can also obtain this form from the Registrar’s Office). By completing and submitting this form, you can apply for a number of scholarships provided by various friends of the college. A scholarship committee comprised of members of the administration, faculty, and staff matches the information supplied on your application with the criteria set by donors.

Financial Aid
U.L.A. does not participate in federal or state financial aid or loan programs at this time. However, there are a number of scholarships available. The following list describes some of our available scholarships:

Scholarship Criteria

Students must pursuing a degree have a minimum GPA of 3.65 and have completed at least 30 units at the institute. The recipient is to be chosen by the Dean of the School of Theology and the Scholarship Committee.

Additional Scholarships

Several churches provide monies to assist students in attending U.L.A. We encourage you to let your home church and your home presbytery know that you have been accepted at U.L.A. Click here to view all Scholarships.

(All financial information is subject to change)