You must receive Christ into your life - "Yet to all who receive him, to those who believe in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." John 1:12 NIV
How do I receive Christ? - If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14 NIV
Pray the simple prayer below.
Prayer is simple communication with our Savior. You must acknowledge that you are a sinner and must be willing to turn from sin and allow God to change your life. By believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the grave, you can invite Him to come into your heart. Let Him take control of your life as your Savior. Pray this prayer to receive Christ into your life:
Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and need you in my life. Please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross and rose from the grave. Please come into my heart and life. Thank you for helping me turn from my sins and follow you. In Jesus name. Amen.
Why Pray? - What now? -
1. Prayer is simply talking to God. Take time to pray every day. It doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing, God hears you.
2. Reading the Bible is God's way of teaching you about Him. Read the Bible everyday to learn about Jesus and the way to live for Him. Perhaps start with the book of John.
3. An important part of helping your relationship with Christ grow is to tell others about Him. Demonstrate God s love and be active in telling others about Jesus.
4. Surrounding yourself with other Christians will help your faith grow. Find a church that teaches the Bible and become active in worship, service and fellowship with others.